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St Antony’s Catholic Primary School


Safeguarding and Child Protection Team Structure

During school hours, Class Teachers are the first port of call with cause for concern reporting and pupil disclosures. All staff in St Antony’s are vigilant with cause for concern reporting and pupil support.

St Antony’s Safeguarding Policy is compliant with Keeping Children Safe in Education Act 2023.

Below is a table outlining key staff members and their roles.

Strategic Leads Jenella Baptiste (SENCO), Lotoya White (EYFS)
Shadow Leads Angela Moore, Yvonne Wade, Rosemarie McDonald, Toyin Gbomedo (Governor)
Safeguarding & CP Support Lorraine Cezair-Phillip (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Supporting Staff Lorraine Cezair-Phillip (Health & Safety Lead), Clinton Hodges (OOHL), Irene Samuel (Welfare Officer)
Outside Agencies LADO, Social Services, Educational Psychologist, NHS, School Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist
Safeguarding Governor Sharlene Plant 

In St Antony’s, Safeguarding is everybody’s business!

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