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St Antony’s Catholic Primary School

General Election Assembly hosted by Citizens UK

This evening our pupils attended the General Election Assembly hosted by Citizens UK at the Central Methodist Hall in Westminster. They performed in front of over 2000 people, an audience representing a range of leaders and civic organisations from across the UK.

Three of the electoral candidates were present with us in the room, including reps from the Conservative, Liberal Democrat’s and Labour parties. Angela Rayner (deputy leader of the Labour Party) was particularly captivated by our pupils’ performance and expressed an interest in inviting them to parliament at some point in the future, so lots of potential here - watch this space!

Between all the other performances, I think it’s safe to say, our pupils blew the roof of the building and absolutely smashed it. On our way out of the venue, we were stopped numerous times by attendees who expressed their praise and admiration for our pupils efforts - so well done!

Thank you to all the parents who support our pupils and the school in this work, by using music as a vehicle to encourage businesses and organisations to pay all their workers a fair wage. They should be very proud of what they achieved today, and an experience I’m sure they will remember for many years to come.

To God be the glory!


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