Mid-Phase Admission Application
In year admissions 2024/25 (Current academic year – also known as, mid-term or mid-phase admissions)
If a family arrives in Newham during the school year 2023/24 and their child needs a school place they must complete an In Year form naming their preferred schools.
In year admissions (also known as mid-phase or mid-term admissions) – In year admissions – Newham Council
School places are usually offered within 10 days.
The place offered may not be at the school the family prefers as that school may not have a suitable place available.
In Year Admissions for 1 September 2025 to 15 July 2025 (Year Groups: reception to Year 6)
Before submitting an In Year school application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2022 edition of the local authorities ‘We are going to primary school’ guide and find out information about the process.
Guidance on Creating an e-admissions Account and Applying
Determined Arrangements for September 2025 onwards entry
Newham Catholic Deanery Admission Policy 2025
In Year school application form (all year groups) for September 2024 to July 2025
Newham InYear School Admission Application - About the application - Newham Online Forms (achieveservice.com)
Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
As part of our admission arrangements we require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if an applicant wants their child to be consider under our faith based criteria (priority groups). If an applicant does not complete and submit a SIF or does not want to be considered under our faith based criteria (priority groups) the child will be automatically added to the lowest priority group when we rank the applications.
A SIF is not an application form so cannot be considered unless an application is made.
Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
Certificate of Catholic Practice
Link to Diocese of Brentwood guidance for the Certificate of Catholic Practice https://www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/departments/education/school-admissions/
School Finder
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.