Religious Education
Come and See
In St Antony’s, we follow the ‘Come and See’ program and have termly newsletters to explain the topics been covered during that half term and the readings in Sunday masses. In addition to this, pupils have the opportunity to learn about other world religions outlined in this scheme of work.
St Antony’s Come and See Overview
Parent and Pupil Satisfaction Survey
Recently, the parents and pupils of St Antony’s took part in an RE satisfaction survey. The impact and outcomes showed that ‘pupils can confidently explain their learning in class and make realistic links to their daily lives at home, school and in the wider community’ and that ‘RE is identified as one of pupils’ favourite lessons across the school’ (Parent and Pupil Survey, 2018).
To read a full breakdown of this survey and analysis, or to download it, please click on the following link:
Pupil and Parent survey Report and Analysis
In each class, there is a dedicated RE area of focus, which contains an RE display, linked to the current topic of study, a class bible, a candle and a prayer box. Each of these items are used in all RE lessons to support learning and help the children develop a reflective mind set.
To view or download our Collective Worship Policy, please click on the link below.